1. Can the Foundation pay a teacher’s salary?
The mission of the Board is to enhance the education of the District by raising funds to support curriculum, technology and the wellness of our students. The mission of the Foundation is to not replace the funding of core assets of the District, including staff but to enhance our kids’ education by strategically allocating limited resources that will have a positive impact across the largest number of students.
2. How do you decide which grants will be funded?
After consultation with the District’s staff and Administration, the Foundation Board makes all funding decisions.
3. Who can submit a grant request?
The Board accepts grant requests from parents, teachers and staff members within the District.
4. Are the School Board and the Education Foundation the same thing?
No, the School Board consists of elected members who work directly with the Administration. The Education Foundation is a group of volunteers whose only goal is fundraising.
5. Does the Education Foundation simply fund what the Administration requests?
No, the Education Foundation certainly appreciates the feedback from the Administration regarding specific items but the ultimate decision to fund a grant request is made only by the Education Foundation.
6. Can anyone join the Education Foundation?
The Ed. Foundation is always looking for committed, hard working, positive minded parents to join the group. Please reach out and ask questions!!
7. Why the Foundation matters to our community?
We all know that educating a child requires vast resources. The Foundation works to increase those resources so that our community’s children can take advantage of learning opportunities that might not otherwise be available to them. That’s why so many parents have enthusiastically embraced the mission of the District 57 Education Foundation.
But the goals of the Foundation are not only important to parents; they also should matter to anyone who cares about the future of our Mount Prospect community. The quality of the community is reflected in the quality of our schools.
8. Who REALLY is the Education Foundation?
The Education Foundation really represents every business who believes in our district enough to sponsor an event and make a donation. It’s every family who donates an item to be auctioned whether it’s a movie gift card or weekend cottage getaway. It’s every family who donates their time to help with decorations, invitations and spreading the word. It’s every family member and friend who buy raffle tickets or attends an event or purchases an auction item.
9. WHY is the Education Foundation important? Why we need YOU!
Every year, the Education Foundation hopes to raise about $75,000 to invest into the schools. The list of items purchase is lengthy but examples range from the library at Westbrook (yep, that fabulous library at Westbrook was funded by parents and a huge contribution from Bosch!), the fitness room at Lincoln, books for curriculum, laptops, smart boards, LCD projectors and the ever so popular Field Day jumpy houses. The items we fund are important to the teachers and to the children. We all value the contribution we make to each school every year. The success of the Foundation relies on your participation. Each year, a group of parents “retire” to Prospect High School. The Foundation NEEDS our new families to come aboard and be a part of this great effort.